how things are going

Jan 02, 2011 19:35

I made two loaves of lovely whole wheat sandwich bread and forgot to put any salt in them. That's how well my brain is working. I made a passable chicken and barley soup. We finally got the extra bookcases out of the living room. Now we just need to get rid of our IKEA chair. I'm going to slap that sucker on craigslist tomorrow.

David's brother was given a day to live three days ago. We keep expecting to get bad news whenever the phone rings or David gets a text. I think texting about someone's death is not the way to do it, but whatever.

I'm so tired, but we had our last social engagement today since we started having them everyday on December 22nd. Tomorrow I am thinking of forgoing the coffee shop just so I don't have to talk to anyone.

ETA: We just got the call. His brother died this evening.

i don't know what i'm doing, death

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