Book #07: Magic // Book #07: Science

Feb 03, 2008 02:26

cover: skulldog

p. d. yadkin and the adventure on big rock candy mountain by hazard_us, art by jackie
unseen by hacy morris
noblesse oblige by mellish, art by scribblish
drinking sand by thornsmoke
by the thousand by n'aq teo
rain on the cemetery off blackwater street by torino koji
(it's) a kind of magic by whitecat, art by olukemi

untitled by skulldog
take wing on sundays by loika
the work of thy fingers, the moon and the stars by jackie
the painter who stopped the rain by sasa

cover: vonbrigthi + redplasticglass

symbiosis by sansele, art by amei
lab rats by cleo/istoria
the tale of colonel blackheart and the voodoo zombie tigers by xahra99
ghost story by pei yi
the other side of the mirror by usagi anami, art by yue_ix
turn out the power by torino koji, art by redplasticglass
the world is no longer green by REI

at times, science can seem like magic by vonbrigthi + redplasticglass
drops of milk by irene teng
walk the human by mellish

epilogue; (science + magic)
mr science, mr magic by greg

editors: derlirum, evilesque, hecatehatesthat and sub_divided


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