It's Finally Over.

Nov 30, 2012 23:28

Day 26: 1.6k; 43.3k
Day 27: 1.6k; 45k
Day 28: 1.6k; 46.6k
Day 29: 1.6k; 48.3k
Day 30: 1.6k; 50k

I did it. I thought November would never end. But then it did. This has been the single most difficult nano I've ever completed. I stepped out of my comfort zone with The Naked Eye, but apparently when I'm not comfortable with what I'm writing, I don't ( Read more... )

2012, challenge: nanowrimo, *remember this*, writing: characters, title: naked eye

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Comments 4

deep_time December 1 2012, 05:21:07 UTC


imaginary_rose December 2 2012, 18:31:30 UTC
Thank you!


vivaciousmuse December 5 2012, 16:44:47 UTC
Nah, it wasn't a wasted month. Even if you dislike the characters and the plot, you still wrote a novel! You still wrote 50K. And you'll take this experience and apply it to the next novel you write. Every time you do this, you get better. So, yes, it's always worth the heartache, I think.



imaginary_rose December 13 2012, 05:37:46 UTC
I think I really needed to hear this, so thank you so much. I just feel like it's been a bad couple of months combined with a unloved nanonovel, I was just rundown by Nov. 30. I think I was trying to tell myself this, but it didn't seem half as useful coming from myself.

Thank you!


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