Plans of Pants

Aug 31, 2012 20:56

I feel like after every nano event I sort of cease to exist for a little while. At least a month, though it's been two months this time around. I still have my June camp calendar as my desktop. -_-' Anyway, I'm writing a second draft of Thick as Blood and it's so hard. It's going soo slowly, but I'm trying to get more organized which includes ( Read more... )

2012, challenge: nanowrimo, writing: goals, writing: ideas

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Comments 4

vivaciousmuse September 2 2012, 16:16:06 UTC
The thieves prompt sounds the most interesting to me, but they all sound like great prompts. :)

Welcome back!


imaginary_rose September 5 2012, 13:58:06 UTC
Thanks! I wrote a little more about it and it was one of the least interesting ones. But I don't think it has potential so it's on the backburner for now.

Glad to be back!


somewhatlacking September 7 2012, 18:00:41 UTC
I loooove the Demon Hunter and Multiple Lives prompts! They're brilliant (and I'm writing about demons in my novel, so obviously I've got a small bias there, but still).


imaginary_rose September 24 2012, 04:13:46 UTC
Thanks! I love reading about demons, but I haven't really written about them outside of fanfiction. I've pretty much decided on Demon Hunter for my Nano. Excited!


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