Happy Father's Day

Jun 17, 2012 23:55

Day 17: 28.5k

I spent all day in church today from 9:45am to 8:30pm, with a 3hr break in the middle. I don't regret it, I had a great time, but I had soo much that I needed to do today. Sooo busy and none of it got done. I really can't wait for June to be over, mostly because then all this stuff will be done. And my story is deteriorating by the day. A chapter yesterday was like 1k words of somebody looking at five people and describing them. Today's gem was 1k words of someone explaining a cultural that has nothing to do with the story in their head. She wasn't even describing it to someone, just thinking about it. I gotta keep writing it, so I'm not going to stop the rambling as long as its circular enough to get me back on the track of the story. Tomorrow, I'm going to do everything I was supposed to do today, respond to comments and posts and in general be a better lj friend, and try to make it to 32k tomorrow. I'll be going to bed soon in order to get an early start.

2012, challenge: campnano, !shapeshifters!, writing: goals, writing: words, title: bound by blood

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