Dear Internet,

Jun 12, 2012 23:55

Stop sucking. I want to update my word count.


Day 12: 20k

Yes, I spent all day not-writing. It was very hard staying focused on not-writing, but I did it. Now, I'm turning off the Internet until I get 22.5k. That won't be too hard, right? Right?

Also, side characters? Stop stealing my story. This isn't about you.

2012, challenge: campnano, !shapeshifters!, writing: goals, writing: characters, title: bound by blood

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Comments 4

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imaginary_rose June 14 2012, 03:48:16 UTC
Right! I'm going to have to give them a side story just to placate them in the meantime. Thanks! Things are going surprisingly well right now and I hope to keep up my momentum.

And happy belated birthday! Sorry! I'm so bad at remembering birthdays!


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imaginary_rose June 15 2012, 07:13:09 UTC
Mostly. Today and one day last week I didn't write. Much better than last year where at one point I took a week off.

So, I found out it was my stepdad's birthday today. I'd been in the car with him and he hadn't said a word about it. Ugh, fail, fail, fail.


vivaciousmuse June 13 2012, 16:53:47 UTC
Oh, side characters. They're misbehaving again. ;)

Did you make it to 22.5k?


imaginary_rose June 14 2012, 03:51:26 UTC
I had to force myself to go back to my main characters. It's just their dialogue is so much easier to write. I got stuck and just went back to what they were doing in order to keep going.

Not exactly... I have no willpower and succumbed to the Internet's siren call at about 21.5k. But then I woke up early this morning to eat breakfast and wrote another .5k. So about 22k before my writing day officially started.


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