I feel like it's been forever since I last updated, but it hasn't really been that long. I have plans to update this more often, even if it's just to keep some account of my writing progress/thoughts. Hopefully that won't fall through like most of my ideas are wont to do.
I have submitted my rough draft of Taste the Day for
fantasybigbang, though it hasn't quite been completely typed up. I'll be turning in Things Not Written (formally The Voices of Madness) tomorrow, though I'm reasonably sure it will not be complete. I stopped writing it for nearly three weeks and then picked it back up last weekend by skipping the chapter that was giving me trouble. I do know how it ends and, hopefully, I'll have everything except the skipped chapter completed. I'd say it's only got a few thousand words left, so things are looking good.
Anyway, deviantart has had this trend going around of drawing 100 of your characters and drawing is a hobby of mine, so I thought I'd give it a go. It was slow going with first listing the 100 characters who made the cut (yes, quite a few got left out) and deciding where they'd go in the chart. Next came creating a short form where I could have a reference of these characters' descriptions, which was actually very fun. This is what gave me the swift kick in the rear that resulted in my writing again. Now I have this massive list of characters that I'm really eager to draw and complete the story they belong to. There are at least fourteen different stories the characters are coming from. Here are three that got past the 'thinking about' stage. More will surely follow.
1. Faerie Mage. Rewrite of Moonstruck. Fantasy/Romance. Prologue posted
here. In the process of: outlining. Summary: At seventeen, Finn ran away from home to follow a mage cross country, but the shine quickly wore off. Now older and wiser, he's sure he won't make the same mistake twice. And then a mage on the run lands on his doorstep.
2. The Pilots 'Verse. Untitled. Sci-Fi Universe. Guilty pleasure. In the process of: plotting. Idea: three cyborgs designed specifically to pilot special (air?space?)crafts; episodic; mecha-esque.
3. Shapeshifters Series. Four Novels. Untitled. Rewrite of old Lord Dragon and Lady Thief. Fantasy/Romance. In the process of: plotting. Idea: (1)marriage of convenience; (2)unexpected pregnancy; (3)legends come to life; (4)assassination attempt(s); possibly rearrange order of novels