So sad... (Jamie)

Jan 29, 2006 20:22

well, today was my final day of working at rona (for all of you who didn't know, I was working at the north van rona for about 9 months), and it was very sad. Everybody was really nice and said that they would miss me, and I'm gonna miss them too. Troy let me keep my rona pen, but not the vest (darn...), and I already have about a bazillion of the pens from jacking them from my till. I brought some really good glazed doughnuts to work, and now I feel sick. Like, pistachio pudding sick. Not good. Worst part of this whole thing is that I will no longer be recieving money, and now I must start a much harder semester of school, including; math, biology, automotive, and spanish (hola amigo!). Huzzah. Looking foreward to automotive though. I bet that I'm the only girl in a class full of hot guys....ah who am I kidding? I'm going to be stuck with the nerds, cause that's just my luck.

On a more positive note, I went and saw Ashley Ramer's school play (she goes to Seycove highschool) which was awesome and made me want to go to her school for my senior year. EVERY SINGLE ONE OF THE MALE ACTORS WERE HOT AND THEY ACTUALLY HAD TALENT! Me very likey. They did a musical montage, and most of the plays I had never seen, but I still enjoyed it immensely. I personally loved musicals, and this one was beautifully performed and the singing was awesome. I am so jealous of that school. People actually CARE about doing stuff like that. Not like my school where everyone cares about what they look like and how many "friends" they have, and how "cool" "they" "are". Can you tell I like using air quotes?

To recap, I'm sad about leaving work. I am jealous of Seycove, and I hate my school with a fiery passion that burns my soul.

G'night govnahs!

Cyanide & Happiness @

I am hereby guilty of also laughing at the word spool so hard that I forgot what I was actually going to say.
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