The Favorites, Have-You-Evers.. and Last Times! Oh, the variety! Created by
-ambiguous and taken 31348 times on
bzoink!What is your favorite..gumbubbliciousrestaurantRainforest Cafe (go Valcanoy goodness)drinkAnything thats cafinatedseasonSUMMERtype of hot you cant think!emotionmellowthing to do on a half dayanything i fucking canlate-night activityPnC ;)sportdun nocityTorontostoremost anything on Queen street in T.oWhen was the last time you..criedlast nightplayed a sportdun nolaughedfew minutes agohugged someonehour agokissed someoneromantically? About 2 weeks...not romantically - yesterdayfelt depressedfelt sad over the past few daysfelt elatedfelt overworkednow -_-faked sickhehe 3 days from now babyliedfew days agoWhat was the last..word you saidfuck..i dont knowthing you ateRaspberyy tortsong you listened toDown on me - Janis Joplin thing you drankXL hot chocolateplace you went toWilliams coffee pubmovie you sawJay And Silent Bob Strike Backmovie you rentedsee previous answerconcert you attendedJimmy Eat WorldWho was the last person you..huggedHannahcried overN/AkissedN/Adanced withmyself?shared a secret cat! scandelous!had a sleepover withHannah?calledJeffwent to a movie withim just gunna say JeffsawHannah & Jeff (are we seeing a pattern yet?)were angry withChriscouldn't take your eyes off purple ladyobsessed overChrisHave you ever..danced in the rainhaha of fucking course..sheesh, who hasn'tkissed someoneyuppersdone drugswhee...i mean...drugs are bad ;)drank alcoholYuppslept aroundhmm nopartied 'til the sun came upnot for a bithad a movie marathonyupp...random movies are fungone too far on a darelol i cant remember the last time someone dared quite possibly?spun until you were immensely dizzyhaha.of coursetaken a survey quite like this beforenot for a few years...
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