it's a beautiful day

Oct 17, 2004 15:01

It's another beautiful day here in Statesboro. I slept in past 11 (very abnormal for me) and decided to start my day by reading. Reading for class unfortunately, but the book is really very interesting. It's called Nickel and Dimed: On (Not) Getting By in America. Very interesting book, very sad to think about, but it's an eye opener nonetheless. I've decided that's once I've finished this book (my last required book for this semester), i'm going to start reading some of my own books. First, I must finish The Catcher in the Rye. This book has taken far too long to complete due to school reading.

It's such a lovely day to read... I need to go outside somewhere. I thought about going out to the park. Maybe I still will. It's only 3 o clock, I still have plenty of day left. I was laughing because I was watching some taped episodes of I Love The 90s stuff yesterday. That stuff is still funny.

Today would be a great day to go out to the park and throw a frisbee. Yeah, that would be really nice... if I had a frisbee, and someone to go throw it with lol. As is, I might go jogging around the lake at the park for a while, that would be nice. It was really pretty out there, and I need the exercise. I haven't had time to do that in so long. And starting tomorrow, I'm going to busy through Wednesday... but as long as I can keep this work ethic going, i'll be good.

Yeah... so obviously I don't really have anything to write about. So... that's it for today. More later perhaps.
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