river rafting (or more insane crap)

Jul 06, 2010 13:20

So yesterday my dad, my brother, my annoying semi-neighbor (my mom was sick and so he took her spot), and I went rafting on the Clackamas River.

It was 65 degrees.  And that's the air temp, people.  The WATER was maybe 40.  (Yes, I'm an American, I use Fahrenheit.  *shame*)


So, first off, we have to rent wetsuits.  Unisex wetsuits.  (Here's a hint this is not going to turn out well.)  AKA, no room whatsoever for boobs, and mine are not particularly small.  (In much the same way that a whale is not particularly small, either.)  I could go on and on about the wetsuits, but I'm trying to block out the memory.  (Let it suffice to say that, as we were taking them off, my father shouted "free willy!"... I think I'm going to be seeing a seventh shrink soon...)

So, forgetting the fact that it's zarking cold, my boobs are squished together and smashed in an altogether unpleasant fashion, and I can now see things on my dad, brother, and semi-neighbor that I never wanted to know about (not to mention that the suit made me feel like I had one of those things too)...

You know what?  I actually think I had a decent time.  There were some class 4's and my brother didn't bitch too much, the guide was amusing and my semi-neighbor and I both tried not to ogle some of the female guides on the other boats (so much for my dad's fruitless plans for turning my semi-neighbor into a boyfriend... he's been trying since sixth grade and still hasn't given up, and I didn't even know it was possible for a chick to get that ripped)... And I didn't fall off anything, either.  (My brother jumped out, twice, once pulling my dad with him, but he's a lunatic.)

Well, decent except for this: despite the fact that it was cloudy as hell and that I was wearing 85 SPF sunscreen (yes, they actually make that, there are enough losers like me to qualify as a market), I, Queen of the Gingers, still managed to get a BITCH of a sunburn.  This could (and likely will) be classified as a fail of epic proportions.  *takes a bow*


(PS.  No pictures exist.  Considering, once more (do we have to?) the lovely wetsuits, this is a good thing.)

cold, water, fail, white water, rafting, sunburn

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