List your Top Ten All-Time Favorite Video Games:
1. Metal Gear Solid
2. Street Fighter II: Turbo
3. The Legend of Zelda: A Link To The Past
4. Final Fantasy VI
5. Doom
6. Starcraft: Brood War
7. Final Fantasy X
8. The Longest Journey
9. Final Fantasy VII
10. Virtua Fighter
Favorite game character (male): Solid Snake
Favorite game character (female): Aeris
Favorite game company: Namco
Favorite game mascot: Servbot
Favorite game system: PlayStation
Favorite fighting game: Street Fighter 2: Turbo
Favorite RPG: Final Fantasy VI
Favorite adventure game: Legend of Zelda: A Link to the Past
Favorite party/multi-player game: Starcraft
Favorite survival horror game: Silent Hill
Favorite game storyline: The Longest Journey
Favorite game ending: Legend of Zelda: A Link To The Past
LEAST Favorite game ending: Metal Gear Solid 2: Sons of Fucking Liberty.
Favorite game intro: Final Fantasy VII
Favorite game music/soundtrack: Grand Theft Auto: Vice City
Favorite game song/tune: Battle With Gilgamesh (FFV)
Favorite game villain: Sephiroth
Favorite game hero: Solid Snake
Favorite game heroine: April Ryan (The Longest Journey)
Favorite movie based on a game: None.
Either Or!
2D or 3D?: Yes.
Resident Evil/Biohazard or Silent Hill?: Silent Hill.
Onimusha or Tenchu?: No.
Zelda or Dark Cloud?: If you picked Dark Cloud, I must kill you.
Odds and Ends
What do you think is the most over-rated game?: The words "xeno" and "gears" come to mind.
Game you'd like to see be made into a feature film (animated or live action): If the Zelda film sucks, I will kill.
Game series you want to continue: Mega Man Legends. Also, something set in the Vagrant Story and Ico backstories.
Game series you want to end: Mortal Kombat, Xeno, Tomb Raider, all non-Legends MegaMan
Game you'd like to see rehashed with new graphics and features: I think I know how to do a complete FF4 remix.
Game you can play for hours, on end, without ever getting bored: Most of them. I have no life.
Game character you'd use as a punching bag if he/she/it were real: Oh, god, massive tie here. Algus, because he's Algus. Jecht, abusive ass, who was creepier than Seymour (to be fair, so are most people). The Patriots, if a group counts, are the winner. How could they control the world (or the country, whatever) if they could never make any sense? Did they talk their enemies to death?
What do you think is the hardest game ever?: Any older PC RPG.
Have you ever yelled at a game?: It wants to fuck with me? I fuck with it back.