Jul 02, 2008 17:33
I saw some outrage over a Japanese cell phone commercial, claiming racism.
So much is lost in translation. The loudest voices lack the ability to see things from an other side than their own.
Many Americans feel that their view is diverse and superior, so their judgement is the gold standard with which to measure things by.
Oh well, scramble some eggs to make an omelet, right?
While walking, I found that the best tempo is 99 beats per minute.
I had several epiphanies about.. gee golly so much. It put perspective and drive into what the word/concept "up" is, relative to my life.
I am replaying sonic 3 on emulator, to record music from it. I am hoping to re-arrange hydrocity's music and make an alarm-ringtone. I was high one night, and had an MD player that was skipping on Tahiti 80's - Wallpaper for a soul. I thought it was Camille's Alarm clock at first, but it was so subtle. It sounded like a metronome. And would stop for a few measures, then pick up again... and stop.. then there would be a bassline, along with tthe beat of the metronome.. and stop.. then metronome with a backbeat, then stop... then the whole lush hydrocity symphonic orgasm for a measure.. and stop.. then back to basic metronome and stop. When I finally found out it was my ear phones playing a skipping version of Tahiti 80 - wallpaper for a soul, I was epiphanied, and felt that I have a mission to make an alarm clock that wakes you up discreetly, musically. With sonic 3 music. I have 3 chaos emeralds so far.
A soul isn't measured by the material possession, or social position it manages to accrue, it is measured by the courage it musters in making leaps of faith.
Even according to Astrology, each person is born with different talents, a different destiny. Some are born retarded, or crippled, how is that fair in the grand scheme of things? We all have hurdles, and we evolve through leaps of faith that radically change the paradigm on which we stand. It is fair, so very fair, since everyone has their own version of the same hurdles, and over the course of several lifetimes, you get different versions of the very same hurdles, until you clear them, at which you find smaller and smaller hurdles that refine your soul. To the individual, each hurdle is relatively big, because when you zoom into something extremely small, even a hair is a monument. Everything, is relative. So no one's hurdle is superior to anyone else's, the success/failure is measured by the courage with which we let go. If I have enough courage to own up to what is asked, there is hardly any pain.
But, right now, I have alot of pain. And the courage comes in spurts. I don't have the clarity of vision I had when younger, because that's the debt that lies put on your bank account. It makes your sight cloudy.
It can all change, whenever I feel ready to drop what needs to be dropped. And for me, knowledge is that security blanket. Knowledge, and "experience". Spending time to gather it, is all good and well, but I know I'm just delaying the inevitable. There is always that point that you either jump.. or you don't.
Someday soon. I'm just arranging everything so that I feel secure in jumping. I think I should take bungee jumping, or skydiving, something similar. I don't mind falling. But I hate letting go. Of anything. Period.
If you reach far enough and dig deep enough, you will find the answers to all your questions. But there is never enough time. When you find these answers, you might discover you knew it all along. If only you had just believed, you'd be a lifetime ahead.
I know all this, which is why I feel so cowardly. But all this is logic, not experience. And I have a major deficit in the experience department.
Experience is costly. Do I really need it? And this is where a soul is measured. How much do they need, before they are able to.. let go.
At the end, we're forced to let go, but then we die. And we can't do much soul growth when dead. But it's the respite from that battle called life, we are granted at the end of our window here.
When evaluating any circumstance for what it is really worth to you, and your progress here, anything is trivial.