imaginaciones is now closed.
I decided I didn't want to post at four communities, it's way too much. Right now it's not big deal because I'm on vacation, but when school starts again I won't be able to post in all the comms.
I'll be posting at
crystalskin (my loyal comm, in my opinion) along with lovely makers and I'll mostly post nature and stock icons with so much color, in
secretpornclub I'll be posting sexy and suggestive icons with intense coloring. I have to say I was considering to reject the posting access in
astoreau but it's an amazing comm with the most amazing iconmakers and I just couldn't resist.
imaginaciones was created because I have too much inspiration and no communities to post at (except for
crystalskin) but now I have communities where I can post and I decided to stay posting at them.
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Wanna be friends? ♥