Two Days, Two Submissions

Jan 08, 2008 22:43

I've sent two submissions out to an online 'zine called 365 Tomorrows.  I've found the 600 word cap on their submission guidelines to be a really fun challenge, and I've been happy with what I've been trying to write for them.

I really feel like I'm accomplishing something.  Okay, so 365 isn't Asimov's.  Who is?  Right now, I'm happy to be working towards a real writing career.

I'm spending time every day thinking of how to expand the first-draft that I posted the other day.  There's a fantastic story there, I just need to find it.

And, I've started researching a new storyline.  Not just one story, but a series of them.  Essentially, I've started a new conworlding effort.  Instead of creating a whole new world from scratch, though, I'm taking a real planet - Europa - and casting it into an inhabited future.  The stories will be called The Europa Chronicles, collectively, and deal with the lives of the scientists and support staff looking for extraterrestrial life on the frozen planet.  I'll be posting my (sort of) conworlding thoughts here.

I'm also scouring Writers' Market, looking for magazines in print that are looking for Science Fiction, Fantasy, and Horror.  I've also started reading Publishers' Weekly Online and subscribing to their RSS feeds.  I'm going to start keeping up with the industry's news, like the professional I aspire to be.

My point?  I'm through dicking around.  I'm going to get published and start making some effort every single day to make a living writing.
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