Aug 23, 2005 16:03
hey everyone!!! its been awhile!!!! im sitting in school now its the second day so now im getting reaDY TO GO TO WORK!!! oh yes the joys of work i have to work so i can pay bills, granted i live at home but my mom makes me pay bills. this summer had its perks and its not so perky things but all in all i lived and thats all that matters, that which does nto kill you will only make u stronger. i think alot of ppl went on a trip of self discovery this summer and some grew up and some did not. i personaly did alil bit of growing up and then again i did some attitude changing, i learned this summer that if i ever want to be anything in life i have to work for it and its not gonna be easy but i will work my butt of.... there are so many things in this life i want to do and i will not get them all done but i wil get most of them done, most of my life i have had to work alittle bit harder then most kids for the things i want, my life was easy at one time then things took a change but its all gravy b/c i lived threw it and i know how to apprecite the things that i have. and its not all about having the best of everything its just having it is what counts. its pisses me off to see these kids who have never worked a day in there life and they complain when they dont get what they want from their parents, like the other day this girl was yelling at her mom b/c she wanted a 2005 car and her mom get her a 2004 wow such a big deal its a car!!!! cars come and go as long as they get you from point a to pint b it shouldnt matter my car is not the best in the world but it runs, barley but it runs!!!!! i know i complain about my car but i appreciate it big diff in liking and appreciating. but im gonna go cause work calls my name !!!! sorry to rant but i was having some deep thought but most of it i kept to myself