I'm really not looking forward to going to school tomorow. I miss summer vacation.No I miss life when I was an only child (yes I'm mean sometimes and I dont fucking care ok?)This weekend sucked Friday was decent but It's the same thing I usually do fridays. saturday I did ads which was ok but no joy ride. today I'm probably not doing anything But I might go to the library but I dont it because my dad is a lazy jackass and wont drive me. I keep reading ppl's ljs and they talk about the cool party they went to or the awesome sleepover they had with everyone and their mom and I feel so left out because I have no social life. I'm mad at someone right now but if I talk about it their gf will feel bad and dump him so yeah (not you rob dont worry)
I need to do something cool friday someone invite me and sarah somewhere cuz im not going to the mall. I'm gunna go call sarah make breakfast and clean my room much <3 all
last kiss: october something or other (someone kiss me and mean it im lonely)
last cigarette: friday
last good cry: friday
last library book checked out: Sometime last year I really need to go get books I think I shall today
last movie seen in a theatre: w/o a paddle
last cuss word uttered: jackass
last beverage drank: water to swallow my meds
last food consumed: ramen noodles
last phone call: the partyline cuz i was lonely
last tv show watched: headbangers ball
last shoes worn: dcs
last cd played: My Chemical Romance three cheers for sweet revenge (yes i like them now ok?)
last item bought: the MCR cd and a bean burrito
last thing downloaded: julianna theory, gwen stefani and air songs
last annoyance: my lil bro
last disappointment: waking up this morning
last soda drank: friday.
last ice cream eaten: some italian icecream flavor last night
last amused: when me and ashlyn tried to get ads from a place that was OUT OF BUSINESS
last time trippin on drugs?: 3 weeks ago and never again
last time in love: During my last relationship.
last time hugged: josh yesterday
last shirt worn: my lp sweatshirt
last time dancing: at the gsa party
1 MINUTE AGO: chewing on a pen cap
1 HOUR AGO: sleeping
1 DAY AGO: out doing ads with ashlyn andy josh katie erica and tracie
1. What do you most like about your body? my eyebrow piercing
2. And least? everything else
3. How many fillings do you have? i think 6 or 8
4. Do you think you're good looking? no i think im hideous
5. Do other people tell you that you're good looking? sometimes
First job: havent got one yet
First screen name: babygrl6590
First funeral: my memere when i was in kindergarten (which was also the last one i went to)
First pet: my three cats ghandi, rambo and kizzy RIP.
First piercing: ears
First Kiss: Kyle something in kindergarten
First one that mattered: when me and john kissed
First Lust: jaime mcd
First love: john arruda
First enemy: I dont remember.