o/` "Come and play...
... Can you tell me how to get... how to get to Sesame Streeeeeeeeeeeeet???" o/`
Okay - enough theme music... here we go!
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I will give you a letter.
Think of 5 fictional characters and post their names and your comments on these characters in your LJ.
ddean gave me the letter P. (note I gots lots of double letter scores if we were playing a game that gave you bonus points.)
Be she dark or be she light (pun intended cause you know pun starts with p too...) she is one of my favorite comic book heroines (next to Wonder Woman who can't appear unless we call her Diana Prince but I only had 5 slots to use and well...) What's not to like? Fire, phoenixes and red hair. These are a few of my favorite things. Plus she's just way beyond cool (so cool she's hot).
Peter Pan
"So come with me, where dreams are born, and time is never planned. Just think of happy things, and your heart will fly on wings, forever, in Never Never Land!" I think that sums it up, don't you? And a double letter score to boot. So, "Second to the right, and straight on till morning."
Pink Panther
What saxophone player doesn't love this theme? I can still play it in my sleep. And it was made all the cooler because of the Pink Panther. Be he in the cartoons or the movie, the Pink Panther just rocks! (Although I prefer the cartoon one) I grew up loving him so when the time came to play the sax solo... well... :grin: In fact at a young age I was wanting to by that fiberglass insulation stuff just because he was their spokesperson...
Chia Pao-yü
Pao-yü is the lead male character from "The Story of the Stone" (an awesome Chinese novel - maybe the best from China so far) He's a bit of Precious Jade (which starts with P too!) Without giving too much away, he's a very interesting character in that he believes women are the purity and all good while men are pretty much mud and to be avoided. His struggles over his love (also divine come to earth) and how to fit in on earth make him a very good read.
That sweet... Polly Purebred
o/` "Oh where, oh where has my Underdog gone? Oh where oh where could he beeeeeeeee?" o/` Her song of woe, brought my favorite cartoon hero of all time, Underdog (not to be confused with that piece of grunt remake movie they made) running to save the day after being a little goofy. (If you wanna pun it, go ahead) It had to make it on the list somehow, and because of Polly, well here it is. =)
I would be remiss in forgetting this little guy. (Beth would be very vexed with me I'm sure) This was one of Beth's all time favorite first Animes (we watched it over and over and over again... and it made my brainmeats think even as I groaned at Shinji's whining) Pen-Pen gave serious subject matter a break every now and again, and he's cute - what penguin isn't?
And because I'm original and I had to have 6 anyways - I have to mention this hero...
Harry Potter
He made it cool to read again (which has never been a problem for me... but you know how it is...) Great series and fun to read over and over again. So here's to you Mr. Potter!
(of course for a double letter score I could have said Peter Pettigrew from the same world... but he's a rat and not as cool as Harry.)
Notice the picture has Fawkes the phoeonix which brings us back to the top. It's the circle of fire...