Yes It's That Time Of Year Again...

Nov 01, 2007 22:42

{and as of this moment... Anne has: 6,467 words!}

Welcome one and all, to the newest word war. This would be Word War III as it is my third year for NaNoWrImO. So far it's going quite well. Makes all the difference in the world when you have a bang up group of peeps to write with. That and the fact that Mr. Big Damn Hero along with Erin and Trisha have been working overtime to get me into the starting gate and moving forward. There's nothing like having an idea for a story (well had it for awhile but have been working out things and stuff mentally for a few years) and then all the sudden when you think you might be ready, the night before the Muse says... "BUT... what IF..." Arggggggggghhhhhh! Not listening to the Muse is dangerous. So, finally having learned that lesson after all these years, I said okay yeah, thanks but AAAAAAAAAAAAAAARRRRRRRRRRRRGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGHHHHHHHHHHHHHH! (yes, it is possible I ran screaming around the room like a loon... for details of this, ask Phil)

So in a blind panic I composed my whatifs into an email and sent it out with an IMPORTANT HELP NEEDED ASAP tag. (and yeah, I sent it to Phil too because well I was afraid after the hours of cussing and discussing he had to go through, I was afraid that he'd go HONEY JUST WRITE THE DAMN THING! However, it must be reported that he listened and then read the email and responded like a BIG DAMN HERO. Meanwhile, Trisha and Erin chimed in with their 2 cents and then some and said GO FOR IT. (It's gone from Epic Fantasy to Urban) Not only that, all three of them gave me some food for thought and people went overtime into getting me Lawrence locations to look at to base said story in. All this by this morning. Thanks for the castle, the input and the music. I owe an incredible debt of gratitude to y'all. WHOOT!

And Beffers? Well she's gonna snap me some photos tomorrow so that I can keep on keepin' on. A picture is worth a thousand words - possibly more if you are me... Thank you Monstiekins! <3

Then, just when I was afraid to go back into the water... oh wait that's a whole other movie... I did write solo and got quite a lot done. Today was also our first meeting to write that didn't include partying.. for Memphis Region. Jenny of the Pink Hair and Kara of the lovely brown hair have been working overtime to get us in the right direction. The party they had last weekend was awesome and a whole lotta fun. However, I wasn't so amused because the Borrowers took off with my LAPTOP (thank you again Dozaroni) A/C cord!!! It's disappeared off the face of the earth. Blargle. So I was in a foul mood because I HATE WRITING BY HAND! Takes too long, hurts, and then you just have to type it all in thereby duplicating your efforts. I know some of you love to write by hand, but it's just not me. Still I went ahead and grabbed pen and paper...

Now as an amusing anecdote to this story... or sidebar... whatever... anyhoodles, Phil decided that Danni's and their quest for writing needed an Alphasmart again. You might recall that once upon a time, I had one that was given to me for Mother's Day a few years back. Said Alphasmart up and died in a puff of smoke making me very sad. *pouty face* We found a Dana on Ebay for a damn fine price. Dana is Alpha's big sister. It's like if you took a palm pilot and merged it with an Alphasmart. BANG You got it, awesome possum sauce! So on Tuesday he got it for me. I figured I'd have it some time next week.

SO, out the door I went (because Jenny was picking me up to get me there since Phil was at work)and TRIP! There was a box in my doorway. Hmmmmmmmm I looked up at the sky and said "oh no way??? Really???" Sure enough, there it was, a box from New Hampshire with the Dana in it. Apparently I am meant to write. So many lovely things are just falling into place! So I didn't have to use pen and paper after all.

Okay, enough... I need energy to write tomorrow and I'm tired. YAWN!

Tomorrow if I have time, I will tell you of all the other festive things in life. Including, Meatmen on Halloween/Samhain... *drools*

inc., phil, friends, kara, jenny, nanowrimo, trisha, writing, erin, beth, did

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