I'm a Firework and I go BOOOOOM!

Jul 04, 2006 18:39

Which Firework are you? (real pics taken by ME!)

You are the Surprise Firework! You surprise people with your witty remarks, and once you get warmed up to your surroundings, you can really express who you are. You, like the Fun Firework, have a personality that makes people just go 'wow!' Good for you! You are talented in many areas, but you haven't discovered all of them. You aren't afraid to be different, and I respect that about you. You show your true colors, even if they are a little..um...different. please rate! i worked hard on this quiz and even took the pictures myself. It only takes a second to make a huge difference to me!
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I took this quiz cause of Beffers. I'm missing her and all y'all. I like things that go boom... Well "Happy Things that Go Boom and Explode Day!!!"

quiz, memories, friends

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