Apr 22, 2005 23:30
I'm really quite done with this whole birthday ordeal. It's never worth it. For me, anyways. Everyone always tries so hard to make it something good and I always have to pretend to have a good time, but I never do. I'm not going to be considered a teenager anymore, so it's probably about time to grow out of the whole birthday ordeal anyway. And i'm not exaggerating when I use the word "ordeal". It's a week long downfall, always full of mounting obstacles that just bring you down. This year's list:
1. First of all, my birthday is on a Monday...that says it all.
2. I have a very large presentation two days after my birthday, requiring me to spend the weekend before my birthday at several rehearsals and group meetings and run throughs.
3. I can't do the one thing I actually look forward to doing on every birthday...getting a hair cut. Why? Well first of all, I'm not home, so I don't trust the Oneonta people...secondly, I have a wedding to go to the weekend after my birthday, so if it looks bad, it'll look bad for the wedding.
4. Ian went away this weekend, so that kinda throw off the whole "group outting" idea...not blaming Ian at all, just saying that a group thing is not an option really.
The only thing I'm really looking forward to is having dinner with my family next weekend. My grandma and grandpa are taking me, Jay, my parents, my cousin Richard, his girlfriend and his parents out to dinner. I really can't wait for this. It's seriously like, all of my favourite people in one room. I hope it turns out as well as I hope it does. Even when Rich and I share our birthday, it's awesome.
I'm probably the only person in the world that looks forward to seeing their family on their birthday.
Enough of the birthday bullshit...
Last week was awesome, complete with a trip to the city to see The Producers and shop...followed the next day by an awesome road trip with some of the gals from 322 Curtis (Laura, Laura and Carolyn). We harassed Taking Back Sunday's bassist, and then he harassed us back...we kicked some ass, and got our asses kicked...we cut some large asian men on several occasions...and Jaci and I stepped in vomit. Oh, and Jimmy Eat World sucks live. Like, really sucks, really badly. Yea. And The Format was awesome.
I really liked the concert for a different reason, though...I never really got to meet the girls in 322 before. Like, I've seen them before, but the fact that they asked me and Jaci to go with them, was pretty chill. They are really cool girls, I see many more road trips in our future. Oh, and Laura lives like walking distance from my house? That's crazy...I think we're the only people that inhabit Selden, NY. Effin' crazy, man.
Alright, Jay has finally decided to grace me with his presence, so I guess I'll go watch TV with him.
Countdown to shitty birthday #20: 3 days