This is another...awesome dream...
So this time the setting was over at Paula's house but their house was huge! Like maybe mansion. There was a party going on and there was a lot of guests. Guests like Nichkhun Horvejkul, me, Yoon Doojoon and some others. I think my brother and his friends were there too, singing some karaoke. So there, we were partying and stuff and I having a few drinks. Then It was time for bed, so I headed off first for some reason I couldn't stay awake. The next day Paula was up and I asked if Doojoon stayed over and she say yes and that everyone else did stay over. She even told me that she had to talk him to sleep since he had sleeping anxiety, he had trouble sleeping. He was supposed to go to me but I was asleep already. Then I begged Paula to take me to him and she did. All the other guests were cramped up in one room, in a series of beds. Paula turned on the light and called out Doojoon's name and he looked up and Paula said I was there, he smiled and I ran to him took his pillow away and snuggled in between his arms. I kissed him on the lips afterwards saying Good morning and he smiled and we cuddled while he stayed in bed for a bit. After a while I pulled him out of bed for breakfast.
...and then I woke up. (ahh now I wish I had never woken up, I wish I was in his arms cuddled in bed together forever and ever!)