Aug 27, 2004 22:51
at work we made over $100,000 that is awesome. I also called my friend and he was in a better mood its just that he is getting kicked out of his apartment cuz the landlord is selling the building. idle chitchat he was looking for a place today but at the moment he was with a girlfriend of his watching her get her hair cut. (how do i interpret that???!!!) i mentioned i got my hair cut then he said that we should do coffee after work saturday and i said sure call me. its a 50/50 chance he will call and he wasnt very flirty on the phone with me so im thinking he is being thrifty. jerk. umm yeah though i think ive finally developed my patience everyone was freaking out at work today but i was calm and cool customers were also being trouble asking me to do a ton of things and i just calmly did it without freakin out on them.. i wonder if you just hit a certain age you get that patience kinda cool...oh this guy was with his daughter she was about 6 or 7 and she said to him "Is it ok if i buy this?" and he said "You know since you have such a sweet face and you've been nice and patient all day i will get that for you, save your money" and of course she made the excited face and said "thank you so much". I love that when parents raise there children to be polite and when they buy stuff for them without spoiling them.