Oct 31, 2007 12:40
seriously, i feel like im about to explode with craziness... well let me rephrase that... i feel like im going to collapse from exhaustion... i feel soo tired and sleep deprived and stressed and worried... and soo much more.... like i feel that for some reason im always wasting time on accident... like something that shouldnt take me that long its me forever... i feel so wasteful with time... and its not even because i dont have good time managing skills... its just that i suck at staying on task and being 100% on task and focusing...
i feel so tired... gosh i cant wait for the weekend... im going to catch up on my sleep and then catch up, or well, TRY to catch up with everything i was suppose to have done this week...
I want to go home for thanksgiving...
maybe i can get the school to pay for my trip home... ill tell them im having a difficult time and i need ot go home... lol
agghhh i hate life right now... its funny because around this time in the semesters i start hating life... i dont really hate life, im just tired.... i am exhausted... and i have never really had reasons to claim i was exhausted because i never really worked hard... this semester i have drilled myself with so much shit...
im the treasurer for MEChA and because MEChA does a lot with PL i have to go to their meetings and be active in their org, im treasurer for BSU and im CONSTANTLY having to run around to fill out forms to get cash advances, reimbursements, purchase orders, make checks to send people etc., im secretary for STrong which means that adter every weekly meeting i have to type up the minutes and send them out to everyone on the house team, i have to keep a list of all the activities we do and fill out monthly org reports, deal with stupid dorm damage, think of a study break and get all the stuff for it when its my turn to put on a study break which i have already done 2 so far..., and im an African Violet which means i have to help this club called CBS so things in order to be able to do the fun stuff which is like being at graduation and stuff... its like honor chain :) but before that i help put on all these events for the seniors, also, i tutor on weds and fridays and on those days, like today, i have to wake up by 8 to be ready in time for the taxi to pick me up at 8:30 and get to the school by 9.
but see the reason why my time is dedicated to those is cuz each one, expect probably tutoring is really really time consuming... aghhh...
i need to stop complaining... and just get through it...
i think im going to get my period...
i already have been feelings the symptoms...
ps... im not liking my job that much anymore... aghhh... i wish i didnt have to work...