Jun 30, 2006 19:49
When you are an immobile Mirror of unimaginable power -- well, the 'immobile' part of the discussion frankly negates the 'unimaginable power', doesn't it? It's quite difficult for a Mirror to 'retreat' to anywhere in particular, particularly if the Mirror is an inanimate object. By the laws of physics and arithmancy and whatever sort of rules that magic goes by -- a long, five-dimensional 'list' of sorts (though some say it's more of a cluster or linguistic game of '104 pickup') that hasn't quite ever translated well into the Queen's English -- Mirrors cannot retreat. It's a fine thing, then, that no Mirrors to date have ever fought for either side of any sort of War. Defeat would not be taken lightfootedly.
At any rate, when one is a Mirror, one must learn to take one's own sort of holiday from the world at large (or a small world; no one's discriminatory, here). And what better escape from the reality of any situation than by delving into the deepest, most beautifully-hidden lusts of the human heart? No one sort of being that has even existed in the sense of flesh, bone and sentience has ever devised the twisted, fragile, glittering hopes that the human race has managed to squirrel into the more dusty corners of their minds. Why, taking a peek at what's been simmering on the old agas inside of some of even the most humble of hearts is quite often worth exchanging that fortnight in Acapulco. (Although why anyone would travel there is anyone's guess, really. All that humidity! And the Englishman who could even attempt to look dignified with so little clothing remains to be found.)
So many different facets of creation exist inside the tiny, and at the same time humongous, spirits of humans. They dream of Better Things and love fiercely and know the fight songs for their favourite Quidditch teams frontward and back. There are deeply sinister plots and light-hearted serendipities and flavours of icecream that no sane person would ever try to consume (although that as well could require some discussion). What lies in the hearts of men and women alike are so very many different worlds and realities that retreating anywhere is hardly necessary. When the story of the human standing in front of a simple piece of reflective glass could bring about the partial, yet significant defeat of one of the most diabolical and evil wizards of all time, why would anyone want to look further than that human for a place to rest? There can be no greater retreat than into the hearts of the people that surround us.