Mar 12, 2006 20:28
There are times, really, where everyone might need an Erised of sorts. A mirror that two people can look into, side by side, and see what the other feels about them, their deepest desires. What a dangerous weapon that would be. How many people would pay exorbitant amounts of gold to possess such a thing covertly? And how many more would pay a higher price?
The thing about knowledge is that it's destructive. It can build worlds, of course, and new ideas, but in its wake the old ideas fade, the old inventions become obsolete, and the spells and traditions that once were commonplace become spells and traditions of lore. For every new innovative spell created to lighten the job of a wizard, an old magic is lost, and a piece of history is effectually created.
Humans are creatures who wonder. They ponder, they conjecture, they propose to outline the minutiae of the universe in detailed scribblings. They have created languages to understand things: mathematics, arithmancy, science, runes. They've harnessed the power to create through it, to manifest the most powerful individual thing in the universe -- the human mind.
To know what someone thinks about you, at least in human terms, is to know what being the other person has created of you in their mind. That is, to meet the human being they perceive you to be. No one human can ever know another human well enough to comprehend another, but they can create that person in their own mind. It is at the junction of who that person has created, and who you are that a relationship is created, and that is a juncture that, I believe, no human can ever successfully cross.
As for me, I wish nothing of the sort. A Mirror such as myself cares not what others think of It, but quite the opposite. It is what I perceive of you that is important.