This is what has been going on.....

Mar 09, 2006 12:30

Here you go Becky. An actual update that is worthy of being called an update.

Hmm...lets start with the last week and a half. That's all I can remember from, lol. Andrew had spring break. So for Wednesday, Thursday, and Friday he came over. Keep in mind we are Christians and nothing happened. Then on Friday Andrew and I drove out to Becky's house. We played Aggravation. And trust got aggravating. It was Becky, Andrew, Michelle, Me and David. Then all of us except David watched Elf. That is a cute/funny movie. Michelle was going through some pictures while we were watching the movie. I kind of got side tracked and looked at them too. Then we went down stairs and played Phase 10. Andrew had never played before...and he won. Jerk. I couldn't play to save my life. Oh yea...Carley came over too. It was nice seeing Michelle and Carley again. I haven't seen them or talked to them in a while. So it was kind of refreshing. After Carley and Michelle left...we just kind of hung out. David brought out his BIG map of the planet and made Andrew look at all the roads David drove. It was funny. Me and Becky were getting a kick out of it. Then when Andrew was talking...we kept saying....Yea I remember that. I was there. Oh yea, that was weird, we had fun. We should do it again. I know what you mean. We didn't even know what he was talking about. We were cracking up. And Andrew was getting confused and annoyed. That made it all the better. Then it got late and Andrew left and I went to bed. With Becky...oh know it. I felt bad though. She said I kept putting my leg on her and pushing her face or something. Sorry Becky. I was hyper and passed out at 4am. Of course I was going to sleep rough. Lol. Actually..I think that might have been Saturday that I went over there. I don't remember. Anyways. During the week was pretty boring. I didn't really do anything. Then Andrew came back over for the weekend. (He was on Spring Break)

Now for what is going on now. I share an apartment with Becca from my church. We have been here for like a month and a half. Things were going fine. But then yesterday this guy calls her up. And wants to come over to have sex. She tells me she is loud in bed. And then tells me to make sure I use the bathroom before he gets there. What the Heck??? Is she serious? So I calmly told her that I didn't really feel that was respectful to me. I was still awake and in the next room. I can hear all of her phone conversations. So I know I will here that. I do not like that. That is rude and disrespectful if you ask me. She got all mad and started yelling. Now I am being kicked out. Why? Because she feels convicted. She knows it's wrong. She is pregnant and is supposed to be trying to live for the Lord. BULL. She isn't. She lets on to the church people that she is. She isn't. She cusses daily. Smokes. Hangs with drug dealers and people who drink and smoke pot and pimps. Does that sound Christian like to you? Not to me either. Now her mom is telling me how I am the one sinning. That me and Andrew kissing is foreplay and the same as what Becca is doing. Bull. All of it bull. She keeps telling me that me and Andrew need God and that we are sinning. Nothing to do with the situation and task at hand. Nothing about her HOLY perfect daughter. Because that is how she sees her. But that is ok. God will bring the dark into the light. And when that time comes...I will be the first one there to catch the rays. I will get that crap apartment out in the boonies. I will get a job. I will do things on my own. I will start my OWN life. And I am not letting another person in it. It is mine. And no one can ever take that from me again. Ever! I don't need you people in my life. All you do is bring me down. And living with Becca does nothing for me. It's nothing but a hindrance. Yes, I only have to pay half the rent, but it's not worth it anymore. She doesn't lift me at all in my walk with the LORD. The cussing...the smoking...the drinking...None of that is what I want to be around. And maybe this is God's way of getting it out of my life. You people will see. No one thinks that I will amount to anything in life. You guys just wait and see. You can keep your drama. I don't want it anymore. Look they are doing it now. They are talking about me. They have been all day. I can hear it. Do you not realize this? I asked Melody if she was going to church so I could get a ride out there to be dropped off this Becky. But she wasn't going because And I really need church right now. Really bad. My faith is GONE. It is. So I asked if she knew how much a cab would cost. She asked why. And I told her I needed to get out to church tonight for the youth rally tomorrow. She said she would take me. I offered to pay. End of story. Or so I thought. Then Melody calls Becca and when they hang up, Becca tells Vicki that Melody is only taking me because I am paying her. Making it sound like she don't care about me just the money. So I text Melody and told her that hurt me. And she called Becca again. And now Becca is mad. And Vicki is like, why did you tell her that? Because it hurt me. That is why. And Melody called me and said she is doing it because I asked. And I offered to pay. Everyone is going back and telling everyone what is being said. I am sick of that. Church people gossiping. What has Christianity come to? But I am done. I really am. I am going to put this in God's hands because I can not handle it on my own. So this whole topic is finished!

Now for a much brighter note. Sorry...I just needed to vent since I don't have anyone anymore. No one to talk to. No one for advice. I just needed to get it out. And I feel so much better now too. I am going to church tonight. I may be a little late...but better late than never. Then I have that youth rally tomorrow. Then Saturday I guess is mine and Becky's day to do whatever. Maybe. I just don't know what I am going to do about clothes. I need to do laundry. But I only have enough quarters to wash a load. Not dry them. That doesn't do me any good. Maybe I can stop at the laundry mat. I don't really have much clean. It's two dollars a load. That is a lot. I guess it's more at a laundry mat. But I don't have a way to turn my money into change. That's what I need. I guess while I'm out this weekend I can get a bunch of quarters so I will be set for awhile. Oh yea. I just remembered. Saturday is Ashley’s party. Well...shindig. Never mind about the me and Becky's day. I knew I felt like I was forgetting something. Well. I have a busy weekend. That's for sure. But hey. It's better than sitting here with nothing to do and the devil at my side the whole time. I just hope this weekend goes well. It's the last weekend I will enjoy for a while. I am praying that things work out. I really hope they do.

Have a wonderful day, God bless, Sorry for ranting and raving, and Becky...I hope this is a good enough update for you! Lol.
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