If I could be a different person for 1 day, I would be Bill Gates, I mean cmon think about, he has the most money in the world, he has the latest technology, people are serving him constantly, and whatever he says even if its stupid, people will take seriously.
I would love to controll 40 Billion dollars for a day. If I knew I was only going to be him for 1 day, I would somehow make my normal self 40 Billion dollars richer, by donating it to me in the body of Bill Gates, then when I wake up ( like that fire crotch on freaky friday ) I would have every female on planet earth willing to felayche me. ( is it spelled like that? I googled it, but nothing showed. )
A lot has changed in the past 20 years, especially the role women play in the game of life. They have a lot more respect than they used to, they are a lot hotter than they used to be, and they have a little bit more power than they used to have. Idk, I think I would have enjoyed being alive in the 30`s, but with still having the knowledge of being alive now.
Someone PLEASE invent a time machine.
Warrped Tour tommorrow newbs.