Miss Chief...

Feb 02, 2004 16:16

Hmmm...Saturday I drank more than I ever did in a long long time, since my last suspected alcohol poisoning incident of about 3 years ago...

My friends and I had a "Beer Die" tournament...not like die like death...but the singular word to dice...Im not sure if its spelled die or dye...Im too lazy to look it up...

Anyways...if you dont know what beer die is...that means you suck...cause its the best drinking game ever...you get a wooden board, about the size of the felt part of a pool table...you put a cup of beer on each corner, and you have 2 teams of 2...on each side of the table...you have a die(dye, i dunno) and each team takes a turn and you throw the die underhand to the other half of the table where the opponent is...and the die has to go above the tallest persons head...and it has to hit first on the opposite side of the board...and it needs to bounce off...now the other team must try to catch the die with one hand before it hits the ground...if they dont...its a point for the team that threw it...points go to 5...each time the opposing team scores a point on you, you have to drink...each drink should be about 1/5 of a beer...if the die lands in one of the cups...the team whose cup has the die in it must drink the whole cup...penalties include, not throwing underhand, not throwing high enough, not having the die hit the table or correct part of table, if die hits the ceiling, and a few more...each penalty, the one that did the penalty, the team has to drink...if the die bounces correctly and everything but hits the cup or cups on the other side, that means no point, but the opposing team has to drink...

So play it...its hilarious cause you go through beer right quick and get plenty drunk and it gets real hard to see, let alone catch the die with one hand....

Anyways...there were 8 teams...and my friend and I's team...Team Cock Lube, finished 3rd...which sucks cause second place got a bottle of Jagermeister...and 1st got two bottles of Jager...so we missed by one place...though I dont like Jager too much...

I played three games...then we played against two of our friends up to 20 points...thats what got me real drunk...my friend and I finished a 30 pack of Miller...

I then went to a bar and bought beer and was pouring it down people throats I guess...I dont remember...I made fun of a girl and called her a traitor to the Irish race cause she was taking my friends side of a racial fight...I was making fun of Italians, he was making fun of the Irish...she got really really mad and supposedly wanted to attack me...I kept making fun of her...it was funny...

Then this girl called me and told me to meet her in fron of me house and I did and she came with a car packed with folks and she told me to get in so I did and we went to the strip club again:) It was lots o fun...cause I was really drunk and didnt care...the strippers were nice and actually talked to me, which made me feel better about the situation...cause I always find it weird having some naked random chic shove her boobs in my face...its real fake feeling and I get nothing from it...but since they talked to me, it was a little more fun and less...i dunno...weird?

Then I drank more until 7 in the morning and then passed out...

Superbowl was cool...i went to my buddies house and his parents always cook a lot of food...so I had my fair share of great food...the game was good...though I didnt care for any team really...

Thats about it...I feel so rendundant lately...I need to do something different...I feel bad for everyone that has to read this shit...cause its same ol same ol....oh well...
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