Even if she had noticed that there were parties going on on out there, Mac would've probably still been hanging out in her room on a Friday night. That was just sort of how she was.
She had to wonder if she was supposed to go out and do things more now she had a boyfriend to do this stuff with... In the end she decided that dating had never turned her into a social girl before, and it wasn't going to now.
other than
class, Mac'd had a quiet week. Hadn't even met any of the new kids. She'd claim she was still getting back into the swing of things after
several days as a
guinea pig. That did tend to knock you a little off balance.
Right now, she was just lounging on her bed, music on, reading up on the next generation of the Sims franchise with her hot chocolate. Riveting.
[[ooc: While Mac may be being being mildly antisocial. I totally encourage people to drop in. Open door!]]