Jurassic Period

Feb 09, 2006 13:03

Plants and Animals:

Early mammals were developing and diversifying in the Jurassic. Some Jurassic period mammals included Morganucodontids (like Morganucodon and Megazostrodon), Haramiyids (like Haramiya), Docodonts (like Docodon), multiberculates, symmetrodonts, pantotheres, and a recently-found, mouse-sized Middle Jurassic mammal (a tribosphenidan) from Madagascar.

Also, Archaeopteryx, the first, primitive, dinosaur-like bird appeared about 150 million years ago, toward the end of the Jurassic. There were also pterosaurs, flying reptiles which were the largest vertebrates ever known to fly.

In the Jurassic seas, there were abundant coral reefs, fish, ichthyosaurs  (fishlike reptiles), plesiosaurs, giant marine crocodiles, ammonites, squid, sharks and the first rays.

Plant lines from the Triassic continued. There were many tufted, palm-like cycads , seed ferns, gingkos, and conifers in the subtropical forests.

Descrition of the Forest:

For evolution of animals throghout the era: use this web address:http://i20.photobucket.com/albums/b225/imaboylovr08/presentation/Amimalandlifechnageovertime.jpg
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