Sep 07, 2004 22:00
"Why dont we just walk along the shore line with our silent song."
"I believe in silence, our hearts speak the same words."
*bump bump* *bump bump* *bump bump*
i really reccomend anyone who hasnt heard blindside silence in the night just chillin should really check it out.
Well today i had a good day off, i slept till 8am and began practicing my true talent. Then shelley called me at around 11am and invited me to come to the beach with her, chris, and cait. Where i felt kind of left out at first seeing as i was like a half hour late but after a couple of minutes the akwardness pasted. I think we stayed at the beach for about an hour and a half and there was a guest appearance at the beach.(any guesses?)
haha hes such a cool kid he came in full clothing though, "MCA what up just came to check out the waves." haha what a funny kid. So then after the beach we headed to wendys, where i saw my friend josh malcheck this is when he told me that he had robbed a kid for $350 from a kid and i thought it was kind of funny. Well then we ordered our food sat down and listened to the funny mexicans sitting beside us. We seriously sat at wendys for about an hour just talking and like it just flew by. So then the three of us went to shelleys house where i proceeded to kick zinks ass unmercifully at video games :-P. We hung out there till shelley had to go work then we were leaving cait said "hey come give me a hug." Which i must say made me happy. I hope to soon hang out with cait again but for now im just listening to blindside silence over and over.
Oh yeah me and sam hung out for the night it was neat.