I hate when it's too hott out. I hate when people look at me when I walk by them because it always makes my eyes water LOL. I honestly hate music videos. I miss the days when school dances were the place to be. When someone else cries, I almost always cry too. I love writing essays. Winter is my absolute favorite season. I love Snow and it is the prettiest thing in the world. I hate wearing rings and can't stand them for more than 5 minutes. I miss Dairy Queen and KFC with Lauren. I miss the Summer with Lauren. I miss our 8th grade year. I miss the three of us. I miss those conversations. I miss that feeling of home somewhere else. I love Saratoga. My cousins are some of my best friends. I have some of the best family in the entire world. I feel really protective of my brothers. When I was little, I thought I loved a red-head kid because he hugged me one day in the summer =) . Me and Mike Guarino used to slap eachother until we were purple. Peter used to cry all of the time and it was hilarious. Laurie used to pretend she had a crush on Stephen and he always thought she was serious. I miss the 4th of July parade. I miss being little and Sandy coming over to babysit all day. I miss Kristen babysitting and doing crafts with us..she's still the best. We used to play capture the flag and it was always at my house. Kick-ball was always down at Hutten's. Hide-n-go-seek on summer nights was always fun. I still wish I had a pool. I miss babysitting Kayla and Joey. I miss Sydney, she was so cute. I used to love it when Tony would call me short-dog. I miss the tree in my back yard and making forts out of it. I miss sledding with my dad and brothers on Martin Luther King day every year. I love the smell of my cottage and how it feels to walk on the beach for the first time every year. I wish my grandparents got the chance to watch me grow up. I wish I knew them at all. I used to tell everyone my grandpa was part japanese. That is completely untrue, lol. People told me I "looked like Stephen Campana" and I told them it was because we were cousins and not siblings HAHA he is my little brother. If I ever get married I want to keep my last name. If I ever have kids I either want one or 5. I hate when I can't have something I don't want but I get over it, but right now I can't. I miss our friendship and all of the good times. I miss knowing you. I miss last year. I love my dog. Sometimes I wonder what it'd be like if I were pretty. I need to get into shape for track and it's not happening. I wish I could fix some things that went wrong. I can't wait to leave for NYC in 8 days. Someone else can have my prom dress because I won't need it. I miss Olean with all of my heart. I need to move on...
I dont recommend that you read that but hey if you've got nothing better to do why not waste your life?