Aug 15, 2003 21:51
No power sucks..... like major bloody ass hole
I stayed the night at Gee's yesterday bc the power thing freaked me out and her lighted candles and did tarot the whole nite and had a big butt load of fun:):):) but its always fun at Gabrieles house:) Muhahahh then this morning we played in the cemetary and scrubbed it until she got power. Finally we showered and were off to Brandenburg:)
At first it was only me Gee Liz Ayres Ryann and Jesse... then more people came and it got awesome:):) great fun until poor Mary and Elliott were fiting and me and Jer got into a kinda bad fite... :/ but we are super now bc we love each other:) o yes a seagull was killed.... it was very tragic
I can also say with complete confidence that Paul Simons is the biggest ass hole ive probably ever met, along with Steve for making Gabbie cry u fuckin heartless bastards.
Anyways... im glad i got to see everyone one again and everyone that was there should know that i <3 them sooooooo very much bc u all r such great friends and that means a lot to me <3333333 ::excluding paul and steve::
O yes and i <3 Jaclynn Insana very much.. thank you for being such a sweetheart to me lately :):)
XBabi3Cak3zsX: aww i am soo glad we r freinds again u r soo nice to me
One more thing.... tomorrow just might be the greatest day of my life, we'll see.