Awwww! lol, I've never gotten a real present from a boy before.. well, besides my dad. :-\ I've just never had a boyfriend around the holidays. It was so sweet though.. I opened it and was all surprised and he put it on for me and it was just really cute. awww! His grandma saw it on me afterwards and was like, "awww.. he gave you his heart!!" lol.. how cute?
lol, I went and looked on cuz thats where the box said it was from and he paid about $100 for it. Whiiiich is about how much I spent on him. I bought him all three volumes of Family Guy and some weird gothic horse statue that he liked *shrugs*
I know I'm gonna be tired and I know it's gonna be busy, but me and my mom are going shopping in the morning. I got a flat screen 27in from them for christmas, but I got it before christmas *like a week ago* and then this morning my dad goes and writes me a check for $300! I was like.. "what?!" And he's just like.. "this is a little something extra" i wasn't expecting that at all, but it definitally rocks! So im going shopping tomorrow. whooo!