Apr 01, 2005 21:27
so heres some more stuff to update. well ill guess ill start out with our orlando field trip. on wensday we( matt maccormack, ryan k, melissa, liz, tommy, eric, katy, ryan e darling, sean mecer, angie, and me) all went to orlando watersports complex( oWC for short). we went there to play paintball and wakeboard and possibly even ride some dirtbikes. but once we got there we started right out with paintball. we had a great time and got to play lots of games for what i thought to be really cheap. so after that we had just enough time to grab a bite to eat at the snack shop and then call the taxi to pick us back up. so we ate and called and waited. and waited some more and after waiting for appox. 45 minutes we called back to find out that the taxi was not coming. this was a problem because we were not suppost to be there and we had to get back to goto the awards thing for the FBLA states. we were about 15-20 minutes away from the hotel and thats not including taffic. it was about 4:45 at the time. which is getting close to rush hour. so we got a yellow pages from the pro shop and began to call taxi companys left and right. after calling what seemed to be 10 companys we finally found a company that said they would be there as soon as possible. so we told them to come. but we need to get back because we all had to atleast change and really need showers as well. so we started to ask people around the shop and such. we finally found this kid that was PAss OUT on the bench. we brought him back to "life" and ask for a ride. after begging with him for a minute or so he agreed. a couple of problems though. one this kid was high as fuck. his eyes were like blood shot red. like bad. and then his car. he had a piece of shit subaru DL. thats like a austrialian verison of the station wagon. buth this thing was in horrible shape. it was old and rusted and strached. it had a cracked windshield. it was all wet inside. he claimed to flip it into a swamp. it had no passenger side mirror. there is more to the story but basically i dont know how we made it out alive. but our buddy aaron got-r-done. video to come soon.
i have more to update on stuff but ill do that later. im typing to much. sorry to over load you guys <3
oya clare i think your mom called me this morning??? idk..
later kids