you dont really have to read this but if your do.. thats great!
Socrates’ two dictums are to “know thyself” and “the unexamined life is not worth living.” To know thyself is both a fundamental human urge and a basic question in philosophy. Having some idea of who we are helps us to determine how we ought to live, as well as allow us to have a better understanding on our moral outlook.
Thing is. Despite everything, it seems that our society is in the midst of an identity crisis! Notwithstanding all of the great advancements and improvements our society has undergone, we appear to be confused about the most fundamental block of our lives: ourselves! Some have abandoned a notion of a stable identity altogether, changing their identity with as much ease as their shoes, and yet there are those who take up Thomas Hobbes’ view of human nature and claim that we are all corrupt and doomed...
So.. how can we possibly know ourselves today? How can we live the “examined” life when every second of our lives is spent in a world full of constantly streaming information, endless things to think about, we are always busy, it seems, and when we are not, we are busy thinking of what we could do to take up the time, and surely most of us, do not take the time to introspect and try to find ourselves.. most of us look to the outside to fill up the time rather than inside ourselves.
And yeah I can be the first to say that, because surely when Im bored, I dont sit around and think about myself. I think about everything I could be doing but im not.
But.. If people did. Take the time to meditate about who they are. Just think about themselves.. I think alot of people would be different. I dunno maybe this was just adumb rambling.. but whatever. Just something to think about.