Not really, I just felt like putting that in the subject. I had cake three times today. Once at work. Once with my parents. And once a few minutes ago (my roommate
Claudia made it...mmmm!).
My roommate Joe got me the new
Chuck Palahniuk book "Stranger Than Fiction." Thanks Joe!
And Claudia got me the new
David Sedaris book "Dress Your Family In Corduroy and Denim." She also got me this mini-pinata from the Epcot Center version of Mexico that looks like the phantom thingy in
"Spirited Away" that eats everything. Anyway, it's neat. Thanks Claudia!
My parents got me a plant. Thanks Parents!
My sister also turned 23 today. I was going to get her a present, but I was too lazy to go get one today because it was raining. We usually never get each other presents anyway because we kind of think it's like buying ourselves a present, since we pretty much like the same sort of things, so why bother? We're the same person. I think of that movie
"Adaptation" where Charlie Kaufman says this great quote, "You and I share the same DNA. Is there anything more lonely than that?"
If you think about it, that's kind of sad, but we don't really feel lonely or sad about being identical twins. I loved that movie though. Except the end where you-know-what happens (in case you haven't seen it, and if that is so, then you totally need to) and they're singing "Imagine me and you, I do/ I think about you day and night, it's only right/ To think about the girl you love and hold her tight/ So happy together..." Yeah, that part, it kind of makes me want to kill myself every time I watch it. Good movie though.
I did get my sister this pretty awesome card that says on the front "I couldn't have asked for a better sister!" And on the inside it says, "Well, I could--but I think Mom's too old now. Happy Birthday anyway."
Okay, so it was funnier in the card store. You had to be there, I guess.
I've determined that turning 23 is pretty uneventful, and that this journal entry is mind-numbing.