I didnt really take to many pictures. But i got some sent to me. so yeah.
Dont ask.
Ok ill start from left to right, up then down.
ok, the girl that looks like a cavewoman(costume) its allison, then katrina, then stephanie,then shelea,then laura,then nikki,elizabeth and alyysa (i think)the bottem ones two are ryan.
stephanie,shelea,laura,nikki and elizabeth.
thats the guy that shased us with the chainsaw!! soo scary
I love Camp lakota. it was alot of fun. Except on like, sunday night i was throwing up and stuff. but other then that its really fun. i like being in girlscouts. even though i just started its still fun. But i think i would rather be in caddettes first, i feel out of place( i am). Legend is alot of older people. If i were in legends i would hate it for these 7th graders to come. Yea .. We got there friday night, unpacked went to bed. Saturday we ate ALOT of bacon(hahaahhaha cathleen laura me) and jsut did some stuff for our sessions, then sunday we did outdoor games. it was realyl hott outside, we saw snakes. it was scary. then monday we had scouts own, and even though i didnt know the grads that were leaving, it was still sad because they've been girlscouts for like EVER. and then there done. wowww. yea and then we packed up and stuff. it was alot of fun. I LOVE every girl in legend. i dont care if they dont like me, i like love all of them, there hilarous && gorgeous.. and just yeaa. haha. Yea so . uh huh. i had fun One of the dads chased us with chainsaws at night games. SOO scary. wowww