[On this fine Thursday morning, you may find a very unlikely pair stationed firmly outside of the grocery store. They're shouting something. What are they saying? Care to take a closer look…?]
Ooooohoooooo no. Don't even think about it. Keep walking. Move along. Hey. Hey! I saw that look. That "I'm going to sneak around the back" look. Don't even think about it, there's someone back there too. [Chuckles] I love this job. Endless cheese.
Yeah, you heard him! This is a protected area, and we're protecting it. You can't come in! Not even from the back! We'll catch you if you go around back. There's… There's extra guards there. And they know the password too!
Aha, right! The password. Hmmm... When's lunch? Soon? I'm getting rather hungry...
[…Yes. Alistair and
nouenkin are Tweedledee and Tweedledum, and they're guarding the grocery store. Have fun trying to get in, at least.]