Feb 22, 2007 14:34
Am I a bad person because I am scared to turn out like my mother?
I have never seen one person make mistake after mistake and never learn from them.
In terms of the guys she hangs around/dates my aunt says she only had two boyfriends and then when she met my dad that was it, so now she is trying to make up for not having dated a lot. Dating when you're older is apparently just like dating when you're young. You date the same immature idiots (30 years older) and then you stay with them because you're afraid to be alone. The only difference is when you're young you think you're in love, when you're older and especially if you've been married it's not like you're necessarily looking for someone to marry again. It should be easier not to fall for an asshole or at least realize a little quicker that he is one.
My mom makes the mistake of supporting (emotional and financially) other people when she can't even do it for herself.
The more I think about my parents the more afraid I become of getting married. I always thought my parents were fine, I really had to think hard to remember that they used to fight and yell all the time. It just didn't seem out of the ordinary it didn't seem like anything was seriously wrong, I just thought that was how they worked it out.
Don't get me wrong I am over the divorce, I am so glad they did it. It just makes me wonder how strong I am going to have to be, how strong we'll both have to be. I mean my parents were in love, enough to get married, enough to have five kids together, enough to spend the better part of their lives together.
I want some assurance that I am going to be able to have a happy life. I wish I could have that, but I doubt myself too much.