Dec 27, 2005 01:53
well hello hello...... ive just reunited myself with some music id like to call fatboy slim............ if u havent listend to this crazy ass music in a while....... i suggest u do ....... because its just plain fun music............sooooooooooo im in a PUMPED MOOD.......and i dont know why........ so lets get right down to this thaaaaaaaaaaang....... have u ever felt really high without taking ne drugs....... i got that right now....... we used to call it a relapse back in the day...... but i havent had ne drugs in quite a while ........ so i dont know WHAT this is.......neways........ have u ever had a relapse...... they always happen in the most of inconvineint of places and the most inconvinient of times........ like this one time i had one in the middle of class......... while i was leading a debate....... and i woulda been if it was a NORMAL relapse...... like i can kinda deal with that..........but this was like a SUPER RELAPSE...... and this is y u dont do drugs 3 times in a after day......because that relapse is just BUILDEN UP INSIDE OF U........WAITEN TO UNLEASH ITS HAVEC........... and u probably would think that it was a gift from god if u wernt doin something that required paying attention or some sort of not too deep thought if ur doing something really simple.....its IMPOSSIBLE when ur under the influence of something........but something that takes ALOT OF DEEP THOUGHT PROCESS....... now thats a breeze........ kinda sad how that works out....but meh.......i passed that class...... and i did semi alright durring that debate..........but i lost my little "election" because of it...... dam that conservitive party and there actually haveing done research on what there party stands for.... meh.... im not too broken up about it.............what i am broken up about is that im in a PERFECT drug area........and i have yet to have some the stuff of ALL KINDS around this place is supposed to be AMAZING........and its descusting that ive been here for about a week and i havent had ne .....DESCUSTING....... and i cant beleive that neone should be able to say this without being shot...... "i want to go to school so that i can do drugs"....... hey.......... no one shot me...... probably because there asleep around 2 in the morning........ oh dam...... i thought my time had come.....because we have all decided that im going to be shot..... and thats the way im gonna go.... and the thing that came to one of my friends mind today was have i ever kissed a girl who had a boyfriend??.... thats A REALLY GOOD QUESTION.......... the answer is quite possibly ...... but i wasnt aware.... so that question brought me to the conclusion that if that ever dose accidently happen.... and the girls boyfriend happens to walk in or c us...... the only thing i have to say is "this isnt where i parked my car"......and thats when i run like hell....... and hey...... if u got offended by that, that i was the one that the girl was cheating on with..... HEY...I DIDNT KNOW.....but yah... I WOULD DESERVE AN ASS KICKING..... cause i would do the same thing if i was the jealous type.......... but im thankfull that im not..... and i realised this, this year..... at a dance.........but im not gonna go into it...... theres probably maby 1 or 2 people that know what im talking about..........and the rest of u r clueless........ how dose it feel to be "OUT OF THE LOOP"....... horrible...... is it lonely out in the cold........ should i let u in on it..........nah.......... i dont feel like it...BWAHAHAHAHAHA NOW U ALL KNOW WHAT IT FEELS LIKE TO NOT KNOW A SECERET.......although its not really a seceret.....i was just trying to get a point across that telling certain people secerets...kinda kills the whole POINT of a seceret........because theres always that ONE PERSON... who if u will is a "douche bag" that we always accidently tell the seceret to..........the best person to tell a seceret to..... is a person with no friends.........and cares so much about u talking to them that theyll never tell neone because 1 no one talks to them....and 2 theyve lost ur little "friendship" if they have........ so everyone go tell there melvins...and wilsons....and that kid with the two wandering eyes that sits in the corner for somereason mumbling incohearently and everynow and then u can makeout the word minivan.....because those people wont tell NEONE......... specially that last one.......mainly because he probably wasnt listening... and if u get close to that kid ...... he pounces on u and starts gnawing at ur jugular vain....... and no one will get near to the googly eyed, jugular vain gnawing, minivan mumbling kid.............. personally i try to befriend that kid RIGHT AWAY.......because in a fight......... u will never need that older cousin...... all u need is him.....and a dude carrying a bow and sling of arrows...........because no one will mess with a kid with a bow and arrow........we all suspect that the dude knows how to use a weapon like that.... y else would he be carrying around a bow and sling of arrows....... and I SWEAR TO GOD, IF SOMEONE COMMENTS ON ORLANDO BLOOM DOING THAT IN LORD OF THE RINGS........ I WILL PERSONALLY MAKE U INTO MY ON PERSONAL HANDPUPPET.......... srry..... i just have a natural hatred for orlando bloom.....and i get SUPREMELY PISSED when people say that he is sexier than johnny depp.......because 1 johnny depp is one of the COOLEST GUYS IN THE WORLD....... and 2 johnny depp is a sexy beast....... like i dont know what ur trying to pull.......has neone seen blow??..... or pirates of the carribean........ come on.... u will never find a cooler dude in ur LIFE!!!!....neways... i find that guns r the lamest things in the world... NE LAME ASS BASTARD CHILD CAN PULL A TRIGGER...... it takes a real man to stab someone....... we should go back to knives and swords...... like thats when it took a skill to kill someone...... now its just whoever has the most money to buy a bigger and better gun........ its like batman and his villians..... none of them EVER had ne superpowers........ they both just had money......... batman was a BILLIONAIR BACHELOR.... so there for he had more money than the enemy ... hence him always winning his battles.... batman seceret identity was RICH BOY........ his parents died because hes a little spoiled brat and he wanted to leave his BOX SEATS of an OPERA..... because the current dance was scareing him..... so he and his parents left WASTEING THERE MONEY.....and going out the back exit... where they were mugged and shot.... cept for the young spoiled brat..........and thats y i always like marvel comics more than dc comics......... the only reason i liked marvel more than dc..... is that those superheros were always made by mistake........never MEANT to have superpowers........ just kinda had em...... by a HORRIBLE LAB EXPERIMENT....... or A CATASTROPHIE ATOM BOMB EXPLOSION......... or a spider bite *sigh*..... but those dont compare to the comics writen by Jhonen Vasquez........ the writer and artist of Johnny the hommicidal maniac... squee...and i feel sick......and the television show INVADER ZIM....... those commics and shows WERE PURE COMIC GENIOUS!!!!!!!!.... if u have never read ne of those commics..... or seen that show.... dont go through life without trying it out........they r all glorious and life giveing in my opinion.... ne ways....... it seems that its already 2:40....... i beleive i should at least attempt to sleep tonight.......well...... neways........ toodles to u all