Apr 11, 2008 05:23
Here about the two blondes that walked into a drum kit?
Good to see the Gers winning well tonight, bring on Fiorentina!
I hate updating this as I can never think of anything to say, as if I have done something interesting there's a good chance I can't remember it, good times.
Still on the Easter Holidays, only got 'till Monday tho, which i'm surprisingly happy about as I can return to actually give myself a rest from the going out/boozing cycle that holidays always pull me into, not that I have dislikes that cycle in anyway, just feel that my internal organs may be beginning to look like walnuts.
Manage to turn my mate into a total stoner, just from giving him his first spliff, ONE SPLIFF! Now he smokes more days than not. Annoys me a bit as I don't like smoking at all and that's all m'lud wants to do.
Lidl pizzas are the cats pyjamas anyway, I may have said this many times before and the fact remains, they are awsome.
People complain too often nowadays, it's as if each person is trying to out do the other in who can sound like the biggest whiney shit cunt. No-one cares, stop attention seeking and grow a fucking pair of balls or whatever the female equivalent of having some balls is. Oh how I don't miss Glasgow.
Right now i'm off to my scratcher, pretty shattered. Tommorow shall hopefully involve Fried chicken, seeing the lady and drinking lots of alcymahol, in any order that'd be an ace Friday.