Avatar Fanfiction--Chapter 1--A Dark Day

Apr 16, 2012 20:12

It had been a little over six months after the war had ended, but nothing could be more wrong.

Firelord Zuko was sitting in his room and getting a long needed rest after coming home for a while after fighting some rebels, when there was a knock at his door. He let out a long, loud sigh hoping whoever was there would hear and go away. Unfortunately for him there was another knock. He threw his red sheets off of himself and put on his silky, red robe that was trimmed with gold. He went and answered to see Katara, who was staying at the palace while she rested as well, standing there in her long nightgown that Gram-Gram had given to her when she visited.

It was a sky blue with lace around the neckline, hem, and sleeves. There were intricate designs throughout it. She looked absolutely beautiful.

"What do you need Katara?" he asked a bit agitated.

She sighed and walked passed him into his room. "I just got a message from Sokka and Toph. They were doing some clean up after a battle and they..." her voice trailed not wanting to go on.

Zuko went and stood next to her. "What is it Katara? Tell me."

"It's Aang... He's..."

"Spit it out Katara!"

"He gone! ...He... He's dead..."

Zuko stopped and looked at Katara. Tears were now streaming down her face. She cried silently, but Zuko knew how much she was hurting right now. He helped her sit on the bed and then rubbed her back.

"Why Zuko! Why did someone kill him?!"

"I-I don't know... Do they know who it was?"

"M-Maybe... They saw a few Southern Raider r-rebels but that w-was it..." she said through tears. "I-I just don't understand why someone would kill him... Someone who was trying to bring peace in times of war."

"I know... We'll get through this, though," Zuko said trying to be comforting, but it wasn't much help.

"How the hell are we going to get through this! The new avatar is going to be just a baby! He or she won't be able to do anything for a long time! We needed him Zuko! We really needed him! And do you know what the worst thing is?!" He was silent and waited for her to answer her own question. "I loved him! I actually loved him and, yes, he knew, but I never ever told him that! I n-never actually told him that..." she cried loudly then.

Zuko took her and pulled her close to his chest and caressed her head. He didn't know really what to say so he just sat there with her close to him. He could feel her body tremble as she cried. He let a few tears slip away from him eyes himself, but he could face reality unlike Katara could at the moment.

She was extremely saddened and she felt more than a little abandoned. She wondered how this could've happened to someone so genuinely kind like Aang. The Avatar who had taken down Ozai without killing him. She wondered how someone could be so cold and heartless to do something like this. Zuko knew well enough than anybody else why someone would do this, though.

Selfishness. Greed. Evil. Those were the three words that described that kind of person. Those were three words that also described his father.

A few hours passed and Katara had fallen asleep in Zuko's arms. She had stopped crying a while before, but she asked him to hold her just for a little longer. He agreed and once he felt her breathing even out and heard a slight snore from her, he smiled knowing she was at peace for now.

He carefully picked her up and walked down the long hallway to her room. Once they were there he opened the door and then laid her down in the bed and tucked her in. She squirmed a bit before settling into a comfortable position. He smiled again, but that smile quickly faded when he knew what he was going to have to do. He was going to have to find the new Avatar in the Water Tribes and he was going to have to do it soon. He walked out of the room glancing back at Katara and noticing how beautiful she looked in the flickering light that came from the candle beside her bed. He quietly closed the door and led to go back to his room and rest like he should.

The morning, though, was going to be hard. Waking up knowing that he had lost a friend and knowing that his body would be coming soon and the sorrow that would follow in the new nation that they were creating. He fell fast asleep, not to nightmares surprisingly, but to dreams, no, memories, of his friend. Not only the good times, but the past that seemed so far away when he was trying to capture Avatar Aang and restore his honor and the respect of his father.

That was the past and even though Aang was now dead he knew that he was going to have a bright future for this nation. He knew he wanted to give them hope.

This is my first fanfic like this so I hope you like it!! <3 Chapter 2 will be coming soon! :)

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