Your song is somewhat angry. Don't feel bad about
it! All it means is that you have alot of anger
locked up inside of you. Whether it be that you
have just gone through a tough experience or
maybe just cause you are fed up with the way
this world works... either way, many say that
the only cure for this is Anger Management, but
I beg to differ. I believe the only cure for
this is love. You need someone there by your
side. Whether it be a boyfriend or a really
close friend that can tell you that the world
is a better place with you in it. Only then
will the tranquility within you be released.
I just want to say thanx to my best friend, Rachel,
for some of the awesome pics that are used in
my results. And for the great
loop=infinite hidden="true">
~What Kind of Song Plays Around You?~ (with anime pics and 5 results) brought to you by
Quizilla im sure everybodies getting sick of these quizes but im in arch draft class, im bored, and i think thses are fun