Jan 04, 2006 01:35
well, its true. i am down to one crush.i only like one person, and that is a new one. rachel will be proud.
well, im trying to update more often, am i doing a good job so far?
well, i am proud of myself. today i managed to stay in bed intill about 4 today.dad would say i wasted my day. go me.
my brother now understands the internet and has a myspace, livejournal, aim, and an email address. hes is addicted.if hes gone over 2 hours without being online, he gets moody.its sad really.
im considering changing my hair color again.any suggestions.ive heard purple from more than one person, and oddly enough, orange. im not going with orange.
ive been feeling icky lately.i hope im not sick, not over the break.its not that bad, but still, icky.
i saw the first mouse that peter caught. its very cute. very large ears.i thought mathews idea for the name of the mouse to be very interesting.stabby.eh? rachel wanted to name it igor. also interesting.
well thats about it. thought i would try to update.im kinda sleepy, and its only 1:54 am. thats early for me, but im still tired. nighty-night.