Sep 02, 2010 12:05
I am enjoying the most DELICIOUS mango peach pineapple smoothie right now. Basically, you buy frozen sliced peaches and chunked mangos and pineapples, drop in a blender with some (soy)milk, and voila! You have yumminess.
I saw Patty yesterday, which was super duper awesome. We graced downtown with our presence and played with her dog (who's like 10 times the size of Cookie, no lie).
Last night, we were babysitting Knuckles for our neighbor/landlord, so Mom decided that Cookie and Knuckles needed to be separated. This drove Cookie CRAZY, and so whenever she heard Knuckles make noise or her tags jingling, she went BALLISTIC. Ergo, Mom decided that Cookie needed to sleep in my room and Knuckles downstairs so that she could get some sleep before work. (Never mind that I had class today too, but I guess that doesn't really matter, right?) I literally spent HOURS trying to get Cookie to calm down, and eventually, I just had to ignore her. This morning after Mom left at like 7, I opened the baby gate across the stairs and let Cookie and Knuckles mingle. You would have never known they were here; they were so quiet!!!!!!!!!!! We're supposed to have Knuckles again tonight, and when Mom launches into her I DIDN'T GET ANY SLEEP LAST NIGHT spiel, I'll explain to her my unbelievably simple trick. Cookie's a very social animal even for a dog; she doesn't do well when other dogs are kept away from her and unable to be her best friend. :P
I applied to Whole Foods last night, and I'm going to a local bagel place tomorrow afternoon to apply before I go to work. I haven't gotten any calls back even from the one place that interviewed me on the spot, so I'm just going everywhere in the hopes that I'll find SOMETHING. I swear, on the weekends when I'm putting up with Jimmy, the only thing that keeps me going is the thought that I'll be leaving. He's scheduled me for three nights and one morning this week, and while I'm kind of happy I'm not working a double like I was for the last month or so of summer, I do need money. Plus, I HATE working nights because I'm usually working with him and staying long after the rush has ended.
Anyhoodle, I'm going to go shower and do some homework. Blech.