"You know, if he joined the military, he'd have to write his name as 'Long, B.J.'"

Feb 24, 2010 00:21

I really fucking hate my house.

I managed to break the overhead light in my bathroom. There's no switch to it; it just has a little ball chain that you pull to turn it on and off, and somehow, I managed to make it so that it won't turn off. I took the bulb out and I'll let Mom know in the morning. I'm so sick of all the problems in this house; you can't run the heat in my room as well as Mom's room and cook at the same time without blowing a fuse because all three rooms are on the same circuit. Oh, and sometimes the heat pump will randomly shut the power off, and while we normally don't use it, we've had to recently because Mom and John fucked with the wood stove and now Mom refuses to use it because it "smokes too much." (Goodbye, low energy bills for the rest of winter!) The refrigerator is desperately trying to die, or at least it doesn't want things to freeze anymore despite how much Mom says that's not true. (I'm just saying, ice cream is not supposed to be soft the second you pull it out of the freezer, especially in a house that's only 55-60 degrees due to the heating situation.) Then there's the fucking driveway. Despite the "warm" winter days we've had, it still has a fucking sheet of ice and slush that stretches about half a mile, and if someone else is traveling on it in the opposite direction, one of the drivers has to put the car in reverse for a good distance until the cars can pass one another safely. (True story; this happened to me today. Fucking snow.) The toilets use WAY too much water when you flush, take FOREVER to fill up, and sometimes don't flush all the way. (This could be a septic tank problem, but considering the way things are done on this blasted farm, I shudder to think of how a tank cleaning episode would go.) The fucking roof was replaced like three years ago and it fucking LEAKS, and we have NOT been SILENT about this MAJOR FUCKING ISSUE. (Not only that, it leaks into the ceiling where the electric for the light in my damn bathroom is.) Then, there are the other little things; it has one closet, the vent placement makes no sense (I have four in my bedroom, the hallway has one, the spare bedroom has one, and the bathroom has NONE), it only has one shower (my bathroom has a teeny bathtub that I don't use), it's poorly insulated, the washing machine only works in warm weather, it's located in bumfuck nowhere, etc. etc. etc. etc. etc. etc. etc.

I swear, one of the great things about moving out will be the fact that I don't have to put up with this STUPID shit anymore! I hate feeling isolated and/or stranded, I hate turning on an appliance and wondering if half the house is going to go dark, and if I have to continually unscrew and put back the light bulb on the CEILING of my bathroom every time I go to take a piss, I'm going to have an aneurysm! (The bathroom also doesn't have any windows, so that fixture is its sole source of light 24/7. Needless to say, when the power was out, I did a lot of pissing in the dark.)

Granted, some things about it are good. It's on the same power lines as the ones in town, so we usually don't lose power unless there's a major area outage. Plus, you can sleep through the night and not have to listen to stupid people speeding by or sirens or anything like that. Oh, and you can walk around the house nude with the shades open if no one else is home and no one will be the wiser. Granted, that doesn't happen much in winter, but one could do it in summer if the mood struck.

Oh well; until I mature and make more money, I am stuck in this house and I will have to deal with it.

In other news, Alex's BFF Zach and I have started a psychology study duet. Wooooooo! We met up last night but the effort eventually descended into us chatting about other people and our ex high school and music and defying expectations and other menial topics. However, we're trying again next week, and he might be bringing along a classmate if she can make it, so maybe we'll actually accomplish more. We'll see what happens.

Anyway, I'm supposed to be at work in about twelve hours, so I guess I'll go sleep or something.

rant, zach

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