Feb 17, 2009 17:06
The drama continues!
Alison came up to me after English and asked me what happened with Michael. He came up to her crying and said that I was angry at him over a "misconception" and that he had only signed up to bring food. I proved him wrong by explaining my side of the story including my bitchfest on Sunday, and then I asked why he would have told me last week that he couldn't go to Twelfth Night if he was only supposed to bring food all along? She agreed with me, and then we talked a bit about the club before parting ways.
Seriously though? He was crying? What the hell is this?! This is like every single time Heather and Alex would break up over something stupid and she'd pull the whole I'M SO SORRY FOR DOING WHAT I DID AND IT WON'T HAPPEN AGAIN routine, then turn around and do the same stupid shit all over again. Of course, they were dating, not figuring shit out in a school club.
Ugh. Whatever. He fucked over both the club and me, and personally, I don't want to be friends with him anymore. Whether or not he retains officership in the club is not my decision.
Anyhoo, the most interesting thing that happened to me otherwise was the fact that Sasha brought frosted animal crackers to English and allowed Simon and me to share in the glory that is frosted animal crackers. THEY ARE SO GOOD.
Oh, and Hunter prank-called Amanda's boyfriend in journalism while Nick questioned me about my virginity I rock at sudoku.
Nick asked me today if Heather was a lesbian and I found this to be hilarious. I don't think anyone else likes men quite as much as she...
I think life rocks today.