Mar 07, 2008 23:37
So here's another one of those whiny, long-winded rants that you lot should be accustomed to by now.
Anne still has mine, and it doesn't look like she'll be able to get her own anytime soon.
Thus, Mom and I have been attempting to share a car.
I understand it's our only car, but I CANNOT stay in this blasted house all the fucking time.
Weeknights? Sure, there's no place I'd rather be.
But come Friday night, if I'm not out and about, I better have plans made to get the fuck out of here so that I'm not stuck in here for sixty straight hours.
Not to mention, I KNOW Mom doesn't want Chris here since she thinks I'm going to rape him or something.
I saw him once this week.
Fucking Wednesday morning before school for a whole four minutes.
We would have gone out tonight, but it rained and he canceled on me.
He wanted to know if I could go anywhere tomorrow, and I really don't know how to answer that.
Mom said I could have gone out tonight, but she doesn't want me "doing this" every weekend because gas is so expensive.
Well gee, I'm sorry that you have a fucking problem with people and that's why you choose to live ten miles away from civilization, but I actually enjoy the company of others; namely, people my own age.
And I'm not just talking about any teenagers. I see plenty of loutish oafs at school in every blasted class that I take, and I have little time to visit with people I actually want to interact with.
Not to mention, I do, in fact, have friends that I know outside of dratted MHS that I like to see more than once in a blue moon. Online communication only gets you so far.
By being carless, I am unable to contribute to gas money and I constantly have to obey Mom's screechings about the car since it's HER car.
I have no way to remedy the situation. She doesn't want to help me look at other cars, she doesn't want me seeing my boyfriend because she fears becoming a grandmother, and I will go ballistic if I spend all of my free time on the internet, The Sims 2, and reading every book I can find here.
I need person to person interaction. I need ouuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuut.
So, weekends are shot until further notice, and spring break is looking dismal. Arvilla's break and my mom's break overlap in March while mine doesn't start until the middle of bloody April.
I wonder when my pallies in Staunton are out. Maybe I could go there for a few days.
If anyone happens to find a vehicle laying around somewhere that someone doesn't want, I'll gladly take a look at it.
In other news, I have been home all night, I'll probably be home all day tomorrow, I have to go to the step show alone tomorrow night because everyone else has other commitments and I'm no longer allowed to give rides, and Sunday is looking bland.
I guess since Mom dreads her weekends that she has to spend with John, she's using her authority to fuck up my weekend fun, too.
I fucking hate people sometimes.
While I'm on the subject of power whores, our fucking technology lady is a psychotic bitch.
She has wasted my time (along with two other people's time) in class making us go to the library with laptops instead of allowing us to operate them in the hallway right outside of class (BECAUSE LAPTOPS AREN'T ALLOWED IN THE HALLWAY OMG), she has made me shut down my computer (and yeah, I wasn't exactly doing work, but when has she managed to do a decent job at anything?), she has cut me TWICE in the fucking lunch line this year, and she shut down the IS lab computers the other day.
The IS lab thing didn't affect me personally, but I know that there are people who need those computers to, you know, DO WORK.
It would have been one thing if she had just blocked them from getting onto the internet, but she prevented anyone from logging in, making them useless.
All she does is police YouTube users by staring over their shoulders.
I only wish the day she butted me in the taco bar line had occurred after I found out about all of these things. That way, as soon as she cut me, I could have said, "Fine. Eat my fucking taco, you squeaky, ignorant bitch."
Of course, I'd probably face suspension and then I'd be cooped up again in my house against my will.
College can't get here fast enough, I swear to Isis.